Thursday, May 10, 2007

Romney in Fort Dodge

On Wednesday, Gov. Mitt Romney came to Fort Dodge for a town hall meeting at the Starlight Village. Here is the Messenger's article on the event. Like the McCain event, I wasn't able to take notes, so I'll type some of my thoughts and leave the rest to the link above.

The Governor had a good turnout, by my estimate somewhere between 200 or 250 people. Hotel staff had to remove some wall partitions to make some more room.

Romney spoke in front of the group for about an hour. Rep. Dave Tjepkes, who is endorsing the Governor, gave a very nice introduction where he praised Romney for his record in Massachusetts and in the private sector.

Romney focused much of his speech on the domestic problems that America is facing--illegal immigration, too much government spending, the need for low taxes on middle income Americans, health care, and the importance of strong families with both a mother and a father.

Afterwards, the Governor shook hands, signed autographs and posed for pictures for everyone who stuck around. Its always nice to see candidates do this and meet and talk personally with the voters.

It looked like Romney made a good impression on the attendees, as they decide which candidate they will be supporting at the caucuses next January (who knows, it might even be December). The campaign staff should be very happy with the event.

Keep up the good work Webster County (as well as you surrounding counties)! It's your participation in these events that keep the candidates coming to our area.

Stay Awake
Pay Attention
Always Vote

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