Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Glimps of Future Democrat Foreign Policy?

Robert Novak in his column today discusses how the Democrats have snubbed Colombia by ignoring president Alvaro Uribe during his trip to Washington:

Colombia's president, Álvaro Uribe, returned to Bogota this week in a state of shock. His three-day visit to Capitol Hill to win over Democrats in Congress was described by one American supporter as "catastrophic." Colombian sources said Uribe was stunned by the ferocity of his Democratic opponents, and Vice President Francisco Santos publicly talked about cutting U.S.-Colombian ties.

Colombia is one of the few remaining friends the US has in Latin America, even more important when Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is working to turn nations against the US.

Ed Morrissey at Captain's Quarters also covers this.

If the Democrats do this to our southern allies, where our attention, unfortunately, has not been very great, what would/will they do to our other allies we have across the globe?

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