Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Greatness of America

Victor Davis Hanson has a piece up at Real Clear Politics about America and the future. Its a good piece on how even when people say that America is done and can't compete with foreign events or countries, American proves otherwise. In the many doom and gloom news, articles, etc, it's a good pick-me-up article. Print it out, and save it for those days when the news has you down. Here's an excerpt:

In the last 60 years, we have been warned in succession that new paradigms in racially pure Germany, the Soviet workers' paradise, Japan Inc. and now 24/7 China all were about to displace the United States. None did. All have had relative moments of amazing success -- but in the end none proved as resilient, flexible and adaptable as America.

That brings us to the United States' greatest strength: radical self-critique. We Americans are worrywarts, always believing we're on the verge of extinction. And so, to "renew," "reinvent" or "save" America, we whip ourselves up about "wars" on poverty, drugs and cancer; space "races;" missile "gaps;" literacy "crusades;" and "campaigns" against litter, waste and smoking.

In other words, we nail-biters have always been paranoid that we must change and improve in order to survive. And thus we usually do -- just in time.

Stay Awake
Pay Attention
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