Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Another Article Round-Up

Some more articles I found on the net today that I found intersting.

A post from Larry Kudlow on NRO's The Corner Blog about Sen. Grassley's comments on possible tax increases with Democrat control.

Bernard Lewis at Opinion Journal about the question of perceived US weakness in the middle east. Bernard Lewis is an Middle East historian and author of several best selling books on the subject. What Went Wrong and The Crises of Islam are two short books of his that do a good job of explaining the history and some of the cultural differences and perceptions between the US and the Middle East.

A mayor in Pennsylvania who is known for his work in combating illegal immigration in his town has won the Republican AND DEMOCRATIC renomination for the office. From the article:

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta, who gained national prominence by targeting illegal immigrants living in his small northeastern Pennsylvania city, cruised to the Republican nomination for a third term on Tuesday - and unexpectedly won the Democratic nomination, too.

Barletta trounced GOP challenger Dee Deakos with nearly 94 percent of the vote. And he beat former Mayor Michael Marsicano for the Democratic nomination by staging a last-minute write-in campaign, all but guaranteeing himself another term, unofficial returns showed.

John Hughes at Christian Science Monitor has an article discussing democracy and the Arab world.

Bob Rayner at the Richmond Times Dispatch has an article discussing whether we are seeing the end of the Reagan era and comparing what happened then and what the Democrats want to do now.

Michelle Malkin over at NRO has a story about the differences in undercover reporting on military recruiting and Planned Parenthood.

And finally, Howard Fineman at Newsweek online discusses the Fairness Doctrine and Democrats pushing for it to be reinstated. Here is an American Spectator article on it, and here is Rush talking about the issue on his show earlier this week.


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