Thursday, May 17, 2007

Article Round-up for May 17th

Ralph Peters has an article at the New York Post critical of the new War Czar position to oversee operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. ________ at NRO yesterday had an article that liked the idea.

Victor Davis Hanson has an article up at Real Clear Politics about the history of penance and how it compares today to the global warming craze.

George Will has a column today about gas prices and what Democrats are doing about it. Will discusses the issue of national security when it comes to gasoline:

Are Democrats worried about security of oil supplies? In some ways, Hayward says, America's energy supply is more secure than it was in the 1970s, partly because "since 1975, energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product has fallen 48 percent." Furthermore, "oil represents a shrinking share of total U.S. energy consumption -- from 44 percent in 1970 to 40 percent in 2005." The oil America consumes -- only one-eighth of which comes from the Middle East -- is used almost entirely in transportation, and accounts for about 40 percent of energy uses. Half of America's electricity is generated by coal, of which America has a huge abundance.

Will also covers where your money goes when you buy a gallon of gas:

Actually, Pelosi's constituents are being gouged by people like Pelosi -- by government. While oil companies make about 13 cents on a gallon of gasoline, the federal government makes 18.4 cents (the federal tax) and California's various governments make 40.2 cents (the nation's third-highest gasoline tax). Pelosi's San Francisco collects a local sales tax of 8.5 percent -- higher than the state's average for local sales taxes.

Johnathan Foreman has an article at NRO about Afghanistan and how the media is affecting our efforts there. Foreman makes some good points on the second page about how journalist misunderstanding of basic military facts can distort their stories.

Fred Thompson has a transcript of his podcast up at NRO about how colleges are teaching less and less about military history, and why this is a bad thing.

Carrie Lukas discusses how Democrats do not understand how the free market and competitive pricing works.

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