Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Conservative Theories and Today

Two articles are up on the net today discussing more of the intellectual aspects of conservatism.

Peter Berkowitz at OpinionJournal.com has a piece up about, as he says in the subtitle: "The American Right is a cauldron of debate; the left isn't." Berkowitz digs in a little to the roots of conservatism, quoting some of it's past leaders and thinkers. But it mainly points out that what looks like splits in the movement are actually just debates about where to go from where we are at now.

The other piece, by S.T. Karnick at TCS Daily, looks at the "classical liberalism" arguments about what's happening in Iraq. While I don't think you can argue with the logic of classical liberalism, I do believe that the line between nation building and national security is much blurrier than what Karnick leads readers to believe. We don't want to make Iraq into something of a US colony, but at the same time we don't want to leave Iraq as a terrorist safe haven or as a sphere of influence for Iran. The blurry line comes with determining when pushing the Iraqi government to stand up so we can draw down becomes dictating Iraqi government policy.

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