Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Here are a couple of links for this Memorial Day.

Peter Collier has a piece up at OpinionJournal on some of the stories of Memorial Day. Collier includes a handful of the many stories of courage and heroism in American Military History.

Power Line blog has a short post up about an article at the New York Times about a group of Civil War buffs who are identifying and restoring the head stones of over 3,000 Civil War Veterans buried in Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery.

Michael Yon has a post up on Memorial Day. For those of you who do not know who Michael Yon is, he is one of the few journalist who regularly go out on patrols with our troops in Iraq, and spends much more time with our troops than most journalist over there do. Many consider him a modern day Ernie Pyle. Bookmark his site, and visit often.

Even through Memorial Day weekend has become more and more just another 3-day weekend, it's important to remember those who have served our nation in the military. God Bless all of our veterans.

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